What does it cost?

A lot less than doing it yourself.
The cost to use WiredVines service is a tiny fraction of the cost of building or purchasing, and maintaining your own Internet-based communications infrastructure. We can deliver integrated communications tools in a collaborative environment, and give you the ability to take your administrative services online at a local level. Use WiredVines to connect your organization today, and start eliminating the maintenance headaches and overhead associated with the do-it-yourself approach. We even offer professional and marketing services designed to help you overcome the barriers that can be associated with implementing Internet-based communications tools. Please
call WiredVines for a demonstration of our service and discussion of your needs.

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See what’s possible at any level in your organization
Want to get your feet wet without making a big commitment? Start with a very functional – and free – basic WiredVines Communication and Service Center. Use it, expand it, add members... use it for a day or a year: it's not a trial – it's yours.

Here’s what you get:
The basic version of
WiredVines Communications & Service Center is freely available as an ad-based service. This FREE service includes: events calendars, an address book, file sharing, publishing, photos, links, message routing, security management, up to 25MB of storage, and discussion groups. Our IntelliPub system makes it easy for anyone you authorize to keep your Center’s content current. You even get complimentary access to FormXpert (coming soon!) and MeetingXpert services. FormXpert supports simple online membership applications, registrations, and other types of transaction processing. With MeetingXpert, you can conduct a limited number of online training and presentations for free. You can upgrade or extend the capabilities of your Center at any time, or remove advertising, by using our subscription fee services. A premium service package that combines extended features, administrative network management, and professional services is available for larger organizations.

The Administrative Management Service lets a parent organization or larger group connect any number of Communications and Service Centers together. In addition to the communications and administrative capabilities provided in every Communications & Service Center, we offer organization management services including: secure financial transactions, computer telephony (IVR), commerce and storefront capabilities and wireless messaging to name a few. Professional services are available, including needs assessment, implementation, and marketing services. Please consult directly with a WiredVines representative to discuss creative financing options for your larger organization, such as advertising, sponsored subscription fees, and eCommerce options.

Click here to get started and let WiredVines make the "NET" work for you.

Creative Options:
The final cost of your WiredVines subscription will depend on the choices you make: for instance, whether to add functionality or take advantage of extensive consulting services. You can subsidize part or all of your investment with creative advertising or e-commerce options, too. We'll be happy to explore all options with you.

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WiredVines, it's about you, AutoLynX, MyVines, Intelli-Pub, FormXpert, iCabinet are service marks of WiredVines, Inc.
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