Lots for free, more if you want it.

Get going for free:
Want to get your feet wet without making a big commitment? Start with a very functional, free, basic WiredVines Communications & Service Center. Your free version is supported through advertising. All advertsing displayed in WiredVines must adhere to our guidelines.

Services provided in the basic WiredVines Communications & Service Center include: events calendars, address book, file sharing, publishing, photos, links, e-mail routing and discussion groups. Basic versions of FormXpert and MeetingXpert are also included to support limited online transactions and meetings.

Or add the extras you need:
At any time, you can upgrade or extend the capabilities of your Center to include features such as extended forms capability, telephony, wireless messaging, and eCommerce. The basic version is available ad-free for a monthly subscription fee. A premium service package and extended features are available for larger organizations. Additional options are available at a moderate cost.

Click here to get started and let WiredVines make the "NET" work for you.

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